Food of the moment

Hi! I'm Chol, welcome you to my blog "Chowing with Chol", Food of the moment.

I love going out to taste good food and drinks, cafe, and all chic restaurants in town.

Don't be hesitated to give comments or suggestions, i'm keen to get the feedback from you!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cooking 101 - How to make Cupcakes

Hello guys!

For those who want to know how to make cupcakes, today i have a video teaching you how to make it.
It's very easy to make it, believe me!

And i will come back with my own podcast about the thing that you can eat and make you feel happy.

See you



  1. hahahaha...that's right! But apart from that, you also need to watch my cupcakes podcast hehe :p
