Food of the moment

Hi! I'm Chol, welcome you to my blog "Chowing with Chol", Food of the moment.

I love going out to taste good food and drinks, cafe, and all chic restaurants in town.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

American Fried Rice, American or Thai food?

"Khao Pad American" or "American Fried Rice"

Some people might think this dish is popular in the USA. The truth is this dish was made up by Thai cooks during the Vietnam war era, to give US service men something the Thais thought they would want to eat while over here in Thailand during breaks.

Does this explanation make more sense to you?

It’s almost like the Thai cooks put all the things they thought of when they thought of American food, and fried them up with rice. And while this isn’t so much ‘Authentic Thai Food’, it’s become a popular dish 40 years later with kids.

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