Food of the moment

Hi! I'm Chol, welcome you to my blog "Chowing with Chol", Food of the moment.

I love going out to taste good food and drinks, cafe, and all chic restaurants in town.

Don't be hesitated to give comments or suggestions, i'm keen to get the feedback from you!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bellissimo Pizza, the first love pizza in Nob Hill

Hi everyone!
Welcome to "Chowing with Chol", Food of the Moment again today I will introduce you the best pizzeria in Nob Hill, Bellissimo Pizza. I found this place while I was walking home from 24 Fitness. I know it is not good to have pizza after working out because it will make you fat and what you did at the fitness would be worthless! But I could not stand for the smell of the pizza then I decided to grab one slice and I chose “Garlic Chicken Special”, the combination of chicken, fresh garlic and presto.

After that Bellissimo Pizza became my first top-of-mind. I am sure it was delicious; it is not because I was hungry but it was so yummy, honestly! As I told you, the taste is very special and I’m definitely sure you will love it! There are many things you will love about "Bellissimo Pizza".

Here, the crust is very tasty, perfectly cooked. Even though you order just “Cheese Pizza”, I’m sure you will say it is delicious.

After ordering, you can request fresh slices and you only have to wait about 5 minutes. Even the reheated slices are so good - crisp crust, soft in the middle, and gooey on top and perfectly doughy. Moreover, they bake a new one as soon as another comes out of the oven and it's always half something and half something else. 

They also have loads of yummy toppings, I recommend you to try every slice. The first one you must try is the “Garlic Chicken Special”. The feeling when the taste of mozzarella, feta, spinach over tomato sauce and presto melt in your mount is more than words.

Pepperoni (left)

Garlic Chicken Special (right)

The “Hawaiian Special”, they use fresh pineapples and it's seriously amazing. The “Pepperoni” is awesome. The “Bellissimo’s Special”, the “Classic Cheese”, the Classic Pesto” and also the “California Special” are all tasty and have the perfect amounts of everything on them. You must try, I insist you!

I think it is probably the best by the slice joint in the area. The service is super quick and offer fast & free delivery! And it is so convenient that it stays open so late! It is opened until 2 am so after many margaritas then insisting that your boyfriend's slice is yours and eating it and not remembering in the morning!

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